Corrado Peraboni reconfirmed European Vice President of the U.F.I. (Union of International Fairs)

Milan, October 25, 2002 - Corrado Peraboni, Managing Director of Fondazione Fiera Milano, was elected for the second year in a row to serve as a member of the Managing Committee of the UFI, (Unione delle Fiere Internazionali).

At the same time, he was also re-elected Vice President of the European chapter of the same organization. 195 voting members from 90 countries participated in the elections.

The UFI was founded in 1925 in Milan to foster cooperation among the various fair-related entities and to reinvigorate the sector in the aftermath of WWI.

The UFI is now thought of as an international hallmark of quality. Its current membership includes 184 organizers of more than 600 exhibitions in nearly 90 countries and 7 owners or managers of exhibition complexes.

The European chapter of the UFI has three other counterparts: Africa, America, and Asia & Australia.

Corrado Peraboni has been the General Manager of the Ente Autonomo Fiera Internazionale di Milano Foundation since November 2000.