Milan and Lombardy. A New Future

From 26 October to 14 November at the Pavillon de l’Arsenal in Paris, the urban and architectural projects that are changing the face of the Lombard metropolis

Paris, 26 October 2004. A new-concept city has been created for Milan and Lombardy and an urban project is transforming this into a reality. A testament to this are the 18 projects and developments on display at the Milano e Lombardia. La rinascita del futuro exhibition at the Pavillon de l’Arsenal in Paris from 26 October thru 14 November 2004.

The sponsors of this initiative are the Lombardy Regional Government, the Milan City Council and Fondazione Fiera Milano. Their intent was to use the traveling exhibition approach to present the changing face of the city as well as the new design skills and vitality that private companies and the authorities are demonstrating at this special time in history.

“The complex urban transformation now underway in Milan is the result of the successful teamwork of the public and private sectors. Fondazione Fiera Milano – explained Chairman and CEO Luigi Roth – wanted to present this traveling exhibition to the authorities, so that Milan could measure up to other large cities in Europe.”

For the first time, the Pavillon de l’Arsenal, the Paris temple of architecture, is hosting an exhibition entirely dedicated to a foreign reality. The exhibition, made of architectural scale models, videos, drawings, renderings and photographs, shows very different kinds of work: from the restoration of “icon” buildings to the residential regeneration of abandoned industrial areas, from landscaping projects to new functional hubs at the service of citizens such as the exhibition complex for example.

“Milan has once again become the city of Italian cities - commented Gianni Verga, Councillor for Land  Development at the Milan City Council – based on a design method that focuses on the quality of life for the people who live and work there. A model for other cities in Italy and Europe”.

The architectural reading of the exhibition is a means of acquiring a better understanding of many of the economic, social and cultural processes that are underway in the territory. In fact, the projects on display reflect a desire for economic recovery, as well as the city’s renewed confidence in its resources and efficiency and desire to measure up to the boldest architectural solutions that have been experimented around the world.

“These projects and developments – pointed out Lombardy Regional Government President, Roberto Formigoni – express the need for beauty that lies behind our political decision: transforming the territory into a place on a human  scale in terms of size but also and most importantly in the quality of its aesthetics and functions”.

The proposals, from both the private and public sectors, come from international competitions, and have been signed by the most noted names in international architecture. This is an important fact and reveals an approach to various kinds of experience and sensitivity, with a focus on excellence and a methodology that is based on transparency and exchange.

The exhibition and catalog are signed by architect Cecilia Bolognesi, who is a lecturer at the Milan Polytechnic Faculty of Architecture. The exhibition in Paris is the first in a roadshow that will continue in Berlin, from 2 December 2004 to 16 January 2005.

The exhibition has been organized together with CityLife, Milano Santa Giulia/Risanamento S.p.A., Hines, ProgettoPortello, Corvino+Multari Architetti Associati, and RSG Renato Sarno Group.

Other Lombardy Regional Government headquarters
Commissioning Party: Lombardy Regional Government
Architects: Harry N. Cobb (Pei Cobb Freed & Partners), Paolo Caputo, Matteo Milani, Marco De Bortoli (Caputo Partnership), Massimo Giuliani, Anna Milella (Sistema Duemila)
Pirelli Skyscraper
Commissioning Party: Lombardy Regional Government Commissioner responsible for Emergencies Roberto Formigoni
Architects: Renato Sarno Group S.r.l., Corvino+Multari Architects Associati, Gruppo Progetti S.r.l.
Teatro alla Scala
Commissioning Party: Milan City Concil
Architects: Mario Botta, Elisabetta Fabbri, Giuliano Parmeggiani
New Fiera Milano Complex
Owner: Fondazione Fiera Milano. Commissioning Party: Sviluppo Sistema Fiera
Architects: Massimiliano Fuksas, Studio Altieri, Lombardi e Associati, Studio Marzullo S.r.l, Schlaich Bergermann und Partner
CityLife. A project for Milan
Current owner of the area: Fondazione Fiera Milano; buyer and company entrusted with the property development of the area: CityLife.
Commissioning Party: Sviluppo Sistema Fiera
Architects: Zaha Hadid, Arata Isozaki, Daniel Libeskind, Pier Paolo Maggiora
Milano Santa Giulia (Montecity/Rogoredo area)
Commissioning Party: Risanamento S.p.A.
Architects: Foster and Partners, Paolo Caputo Partnerships, RAUM S.r.l., URBAM, Studio Ariatta, M.S.C. Associati S.r.l., Battle McCarthy, Buro Happold, Progettisti Associati S.p.A., Studio Associato TRM
Portello Project
Commissioning Party: Società Auredia and Società Nuovo Portello
Architects: Gino Valle, Cino Zucchi, Guido Canali, Charles Jencks, Andreas Kipar
Città della Moda
Commissioning Party: HEDF
Architects: Cesar Pelli & Associate for the masterplan
Giardini di Porta Nuova (Parco Garibaldi)
Commissioning Party: Milan City Council /private entities
Architects: Mathias Lehner (Inside Outside); group - Petra Blaisse (Inside Outside), Irma Boom, Michael Maltzan and Tim Williams (Micheal Maltzam Architecture) Mirko Zardini, Piet Oudolf)
New RCS Rizzoli premises
Commissioning Party: Pirelli & C. Real Estate
Architects: Boeri Studio - Stefano Boeri, Gianandrea Barreca, Giovanni la Varra
Other Architectural Staff: Marco Brega (coordinator), Marco Giorgio, Alessandra Giannini, Susanna Loddo, Mara Mior, Sabotino Polverino, Chiara Quinzi
New Il Sole-24 Ore premises
Commissioning Party: Il Sole-24 Ore
Architects: Renzo Piano Building Workshop
Bocconi University Extension
Commissioning Party: Università Commerciale ‘Luigi Bocconi’
Architects: Grafton Architects
Redevelopment of the Niguarda Ca’ Granda Hospital
Commissioning Party: Azienda Ospedaliera – Ospedale Niguarda Ca’ Granda
Architects: N.E.C./Niguarda Engineering Contracting S.p.A. - Fabiano Redaelli, Laura Lazzari
WJC – World Jewellery Centre
Commissioning Party: WJC S.r.l.
Architects: Urbam - Marco Cerri, Francesco Moglia, Saverio Valsasnini; Studio di architettura Mello - Fabio Mello. Other Architectural Staff: Massimo Belletti, Fabrizio Bettelle, Andrea Mancini, Elisabetta Molteni, Giorgio Montorfano, Andrea Vitti
Arengario – 20th Century Art Museum
Commissioning Party: Milan City Council
Architects: Italo Rota, Emmanuele Auxilia, Fabio Fornasari, Paolo Montanari
BEIC- European Library of Information and Culture
Commissioning Party: BEIC Foundation – European Library of Information and Culture
Architects: Bolles+Wilson, Alterstudio Partners, Degenhardt
Porta Vittoria Multifunctional Center
Commissioning Party: Imbonati S.p.A. Gruppo Zunino
Architects: Fabio Nonis, Carlo Alberto Maggiore; Other Architectural Staff: Angelo Lorenzi, Rafael Bescòs; Architectural supervision: Rafael Moneo
Parco Forlanini
Commissioning Party: Milan City Council /private entities
Architects: Gonçalo Byrne (GB Arquitectos), Joao Nunes (PROAP), Mauro Montagna (P31), Josè Laranjeira (GB Arquitectos), Luca Baroni (Studio Silva), Pierluigi Marchesini Viola (P31), Michelangelo Lassini (P31), Carlos Ribas (PROAP)