The internet community will decide the name and logo for europe’s largest congress center

Milan, February 11, 2010 – The international web competition was announced this morning by Fondazione Fiera Milano, Fiera Milano Spa and Fiera Milano Congressi in their search for a new name and new logo for Europe’s largest Congress Center. The facility, which will be inaugurated in less than two months and, with its 18 thousand seats, will significantly expand the capacity of the current Congress Center.

The initiative was presented this morning by Gianpiero Cantoni, Chairman and CEO of Fondazione Fiera Milano, Roberto Faustinelli, President of Fiera Milano Congressi, Maurizio Lupi, CEO of Fiera Milano Congressi, and Michele Perini, President of Fiera Milano, Spa.

Competition details – it is the first in the world, as far as a Congress Center is concerned, to be held in this way, with the initiative being totally managed through crowdsourcing by, an internet platform that connects companies with creatives. Through it is possible to manage a global competition and receive proposals from every spot on the planet via web. The competitions are open to anyone 13 years of age and over. There’s a green edge to the initiative, as well; in fact, because it’s taking place on the internet, the competition will be entirely paperless.

The winner will receive a prize of $10,000 dollars (approx 7,500 Euros).

Proposals must be received by February 28, in compliance with the guidelines set out in the competition notice published on the website. A commission of representatives of Fondazione Fiera Milano, Fiera Milano Spa and Fiera Milano Congressi, after completion of the first cut, will deliver the remaining selection of proposals to a panel of experts – composed of Marva Griffin Wilshire, director of Salone Satellite, Antonio Romano creator of the graphic design for Padiglione Italia (Italian Pavilion) in Shanghai, photographer Bob Krieger, and Patrizia Buongiorno, AIM Group, one of the leading congress organizers.

Using an evaluation chart, the technical panel will draw up a short list of projects that will be reviewed under the veil of anonymity, by the institutional jury which, on March 28th, will announce the winner.  The institutional jury will be composed of Gianpiero Cantoni, Maurizio Lupi and Enrico Pazzali, CEO of Fiera Milano.

Conclusion of this project – stated Gianpiero Cantoni – represents a culmination of our efforts and, at the same time, the beginning of something new. Culmination: because with the Congress Center, we are completing the infrastructures for the congress and fair system created by Fondazione Fiera Milano over the course of the last decade. Beginning: because this is the real first stone being laid in anticipation of Expo 2015. A first stone placed by a private enterprise for the good of the public. This is the reason why we wanted to hold this competition, and in doing so we addressed the global community, the internet community. Precisely to send the message to everyone that Milan is preparing a planetary event from which Italy and its entire economy can and will know how to draw new life force.

By their very nature, congresses require the services of international circuits, added Roberto Faustinelli. Fiera Milano Congressi has operated on this scale since its inception and it is here that it will now be able to operate with even greater efficacy. This is why we chose to conduct a global competition and to open it to young participants.  It’s an added opportunity to stimulate the new generations to begin to navigate the international stage without intimidation. This is where the real economic challenges are played out, and it’s possible to grasp fantastic opportunities to build wealth, not just on a personal level, but also for a community, a city, and a country”.

“The unique method chosen to give an identity to the new congress center – concluded Michele Perini – is in keeping with the news represented by this great facility, destined to become a driving force behind the growth of Milan, and to reinforce the international prestige of our city, and its central role in the global market of large-scale congresses, starting with the medical-scientific ones. In this highly competitive market, Fiera Milano Congressi has become, in just a few years, a player of major proportions. We feel certain that the extraordinary facility now at its disposal will allow its competitive edge to develop at an even faster pace”.

To participate in the international competition, go to


Statistics for Europe’s largest Congress Center

Capacity seats up to 18,000
Auditorium seats 1500
Plenary room seats 4500
Conference room capacity 64 modular rooms seat from 10 to 2000
Exhibit area 21,790 square meters
Additional exhibit area 32,300 sq. m in Portello pavilions 2 and 3


For further information
Fondazione Fiera Milano
External Relations & Communications
Roberto De Giorgis  +39-0249977724 - +39-3357243146