Fondazione Fiera Milano 2011-2012 Annual Report
Home furnishings, machine building, fashion, tourism and food: these are the five commodity sectors driving Made in Italy production that were analyzed in the 2011-2012 Annual Report. Through its Research Service, Fondazione Fiera Milano conducts research studies in various areas of social, economic and territorial interest, creating a bridge between the trade fair system and the market. The 2011-2012 Annual Report is a concrete example of its work -- a research project that engaged 4,000 Italian companies that exhibit at Fiera Milano each year. An exclusive vantage point for focusing in on how the domestic economy is performing. In the report, the companies interviewed are classified according to size, geographic location, year founded, legal status, ownership, competition management, exports and R&D (research & development). Through analysis of the performance of self confidence indicators, it is possible to gain an understanding of the perception business professionals in the industries analyzed have of their own companies, expressed in terms of four variables (employment, orders, prices and turnover) which epitomize the primary characteristics of the market. Analysis of the companies' commitment to innovation, based on investments in R&D, offers an in-depth look at the innovative strategies of Made in Italy firms. This year the survey was supplemented with data from the 2011 MET (Economic and Territorial Monitor) survey, one of the largest in Italy, conducted across 25,000 companies. For the first time it included participation in trade fairs among the variables being analyzed in Italy's national business panorama. Download the report here |