Works of modern and contemporary art

In 2012, Fondazione Fiera Milano set aside an annual Fund for the purchase of one or more art works, with the aim of developing and expanding its art heritage.

This confirms out commitment to supporting the world of art. The initiative of buying art works within the International Exhibition of Modern and Contemporary Art miart, owned by Gruppo Fiera Milano S.p.A., was also conceived with the aim of contributing and supporting the event, that is an important attractor for Milan.

Today the collection consists of over one hundred works representing different art languages: from painting to sculpture, from video to photography, from drawing to installation. A multiplicity of heterogeneous styles crossed by common themes, such as the relationship between nature and culture, the dynamics between vision and representation, the tensions between abstraction and figuration, between words and gestures, space and architecture.


preserved in the Palazzina degli Orafi


purchased by Associazione Amici di miart


in addition to those of the web portal “Prospettiva Archivi”

The works


All the works purchased with the Fund are currently guarded in the Palazzina degli Orafi, the headquarters of the Foundation, in Largo Domodossola.

Every year, an international jury chaired by the President of Fondazione Fiera Milano selects the works to purchase. The focus is on young artists, who express themselves with unconventional means.


Diana Bracco, Presidente, Componente Comitato Esecutivo di Fondazione Fiera Milano
Moritz Wesseler, Director, Fridericianum, Kassel, 
Nicolas Trembley, director, SYZ Collection, Geneva, 
Simon Castets, Director of Strategic Initiatives, LUMA Arles


Diana Bracco, Presidente, Componente Comitato Esecutivo di Fondazione Fiera Milano
Ralph Rugoff, Direttore, Hayward Gallery at Southbank Centre, Londra, 
Dirk Snauwaert, Direttore, WIELS, Bruxelles 
Bettina Steinbrügge, Direttore Generale, Mudam Luxembour


Diana Bracco, Componente Comitato Esecutivo di Fondazione Fiera Milano, Milano
Lorenzo Giusti, Direttore, GAMeC, Bergamo
Anna Mattirolo, Ministero della Cultura, Scuderie del Quirinale, Roma


Diana Bracco, Presidente, Componente Comitato Esecutivo di Fondazione Fiera Milano, Milano
Chrissie Iles, Curatrice Anne & Joel Ehrenkranz, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
Luca Lo Pinto, Direttore Artistico, MACRO, Roma
Cristiana Perrella, Direttrice, Centro per l'arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Prato


Diana Bracco, membro del Comitato Esecutivo, Fondazione Fiera Milano
Luca Lo Pinto, Direttore Artistico, MACRO – Museo d'Arte Contemporanea, Roma
Roberta Tenconi, Curatrice, Pirelli HangarBicocca, Milano
Marianna Vecellio, Curatrice, Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Rivoli – Torino