miart 2019: Fondazione Fiera Milano confirms its acquisition fund
Milan, 29 March 2019 – “Fondazione Fiera Milano once again confirms its support to miart 2019 through its acquisition fund: an initiative that is integral to the role the foundation carries out in diverse ambits, including that of culture, for the development of the territory and of the fair sector. These new acquisitions will expand our collection confirming our relations with Italian and international Galleries and Artists, supporting this contemporary art event that has established itself internationally as one of the most significant fairs of the art sector.”
With these words, Giovanni Gorno Tempini, Chairman of Fondazione Fiera Milano, has confirmed a 100.000 € allocation for the acquisition fund through which, during the twenty-fourth edition of the Milanese international modern and contemporary art fair, Fondazione Fiera Milano will be able to purchase a number of artworks that will become part of its collection.
A collection that in these days is the protagonist of the exhibition entitled Prospettiva Arte Contemporanea. La Collezione di Fondazione Fiera Milano, organised in collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo and that was inaugurated on 14 March at Gallerie d’Italia – Piazza Scala in the Sala delle Colonne, where it will remain on display until 7 May.
Prospettiva Arte Contemporanea provides a sample of Italian and international artistic research by presenting projects by artists from different generations, whose production dates from the second half of the twentieth century up to the present day.
Testimonies of the different artistic languages are 43 artworks, selected from an 82-piece collection, in a variety of media ranging from painting, sculpture, and drawings to film, photography, and installation art, exploring themes such as the relationship between natural and cultural imagery, mechanisms of vision and representation, the tension between abstraction and figuration, word and gesture, space and architecture.
The completely digitalised collection archive is accessible on-line, in a dedicated section at www. fondazionefieramilano.it.
The support Fondazione offers to miart acknowledges the fair’s role as an international modern and contemporary art fair, also representing an important plus for the city of Milan.
This year, as in the past, the acquisitions will be defined by Giovanni Gorno Tempini, Chairman of Fondazione Fiera Milano and Chairman of the Commission, in collaboration with a team of international experts including Sarah Cosulich, Artistic Director of Rome Quadriennale, Matthias Mühling, Director of the Lenbachhaus in Munich, and Ernestine White, Contemporary Art Curator (South African National Gallery), Iziko Museums of South Africa, Cape Town.