Miart 2021 - Fondazione Fiera Milano confirms its acquisition fund
Milan, 7 July 2021 – The Acquisitions Fund through which Fondazione Fiera Milano lends its support to art appreciation has been once again confirmed for the 2021 edition of miart. The 50,000€ fund helps support an event that has become firmly established globally as one of the most compelling exhibitions in the arts sector and has consistently been a major attraction for Milan.
The works acquired this year will expand the Fondazione Fiera Milano collection, currently housed at Fondazione headquarters in the Palazzina degli Orafi. The collection comprises 99 works of art that express different artistic languages – from painting to sculpture, video to photography and design to installations. A wide-ranging collection featuring some common themes like the relationship between nature and culture, the interplay of vision and representation, the tensions between abstract and figurative art, between words and gestures, space and architecture.
Assisting Fondazione Fiera Milano Chairman Enrico Pazzali in making the selection is a high-profile international jury presided over by Diana Bracco, member of the Fondazione Executive Committee.
“Miart has become a global hub for the entire sector – stated Pazzali – and this is one more reason why Fondazione Fiera Milano continues to support the event. The 2021 edition also symbolizes the relaunch of the collaboration between what happens in our pavilions and the many events that involve the whole city. After all, Milan is one of the leading centers of artistic exchange. Thanks to its partnership with juries of increasingly qualified and authoritative experts, Fondazione Fiera Milano is building a distinctive art collection that each year is enhanced by pieces of ever-greater artistic value, capable of rivaling other prestigious public and private collections”.
Some of the works acquired through 2019 are presented in the “Prospettiva Arte Contemporanea. La collezione di Fondazione Fiera Milano” catalog, published by Skira in late 2020. The catalog narrates the story of a commitment to contemporary creativity through artworks that have served as signposts along miart’s journey of growth and internationalization in recent years.
The entire collection can also be viewed on the Fondazione Fiera Milano, website at https://www.fondazionefieramilano.it/en/art-and-culture/fondazione-for-art-and-culture.html